The trophies for the ODO on February 29th are here and complete! Members Mark Groth, Chazz Klanian, Richard Leininger, and Bob Walls spent a recent balmy January day assembling the first, second, and third place trophies... Chazz assembled all of the special awards. A hearty "Thank you" to Chazz and his brother for manufacturing these fine awards and to Chazz's Deli for the tasty lunch! (And to Bob Walls for the photos!)
See everyone on the twenty-ninth!
Yes, it's true! If you download, complete, and print the attached f0rms and bring them with you to the upcoming ODO on February 29th, your model registration (and that of others) will go much more smoothly and much quicker! Simply download the forms to your PC, fill them out, and print. Be sure to complete both the Master Registration form listing all your models and the individual Model Entry form for each model. Why not give it a try this year?
Click here for the downloadable and fillable forms.
More raffle goodies generously donated by Firehouse Hobbies! Thank you!
Photos of the recently received raffle donations from Blue Fin--thank you so much!
Just a few of the many quality kits you'll miss out on a chance to win if you don't attend this year's ODO... be there or be square!
Kitty Hawk's donation to our February 29, 2020 ODO raffle--thank you, Kitty Hawk!
Be sure to be there!